
class sharpy.solvers.statictrim.StaticTrim[source]

The StaticTrim solver determines the longitudinal state of trim (equilibrium) for an aeroelastic system in static conditions. It wraps around the desired solver to yield the state of trim of the system, in most cases the StaticCoupled solver.

It calculates the required angle of attack, elevator deflection and thrust required to achieve longitudinal equilibrium. The output angles are shown in degrees.

The results from the trimming iteration can be saved to a text file by using the save_info option.

The settings that this solver accepts are given by a dictionary, with the following key-value pairs:

Name Type Description Default
print_info bool Print info to screen True
solver str Solver to run in trim routine  
solver_settings dict Solver settings dictionary {}
max_iter int Maximum number of iterations of trim routine 100
fz_tolerance float Tolerance in vertical force 0.01
fx_tolerance float Tolerance in horizontal force 0.01
m_tolerance float Tolerance in pitching moment 0.01
tail_cs_index int Index of control surfaces that move to achieve trim 0
thrust_nodes list(int) Nodes at which thrust is applied [0]
initial_alpha float Initial angle of attack 0.0
initial_deflection float Initial control surface deflection 0.0
initial_thrust float Initial thrust setting 0.0
initial_angle_eps float Initial change of control surface deflection 0.05
initial_thrust_eps float Initial thrust setting change 2.0
relaxation_factor float Relaxation factor 0.2
save_info bool Save trim results to text file False
folder str Output location for trim results ./output/

Trim algorithm method

The trim condition is found iteratively.

Returns:array of trim values for angle of attack, control surface deflection and thrust.
Return type:np.array